Briana Lyn Studios

Affirmations for Musicians & Singers

As a professional singer songwriter, I deal with self doubt and negative thoughts daily. Growing up studying music and voice, I remember dealing with thoughts frequently, “well you’re never going to be as good as she is” or “who do you think you are that you can actually do this or perform that song?”. 


These are the very statements that if they’re not confronted, will develop poor self esteem, lack of desire to grow and get better and a desire to quit everything that feels difficult. 


How often do you have negative chatter about yourself going through your brain? It seems as if saying negative, hurtful things about ourselves comes easier than saying nice things. The idea of self deprecation can be a growth stunter if we don’t choose to see ourselves in a better light. 


When a negative phrase starts brewing inside of you like, “I’m not gifted enough,” “I don’t have enough talent,”  “I’m not original enough,” I’m not young enough,” replace them with something nice. An example would be “I deserve a rewarding creative life.” “I’m brilliant and successful .” “I have rich creative talents”.  


Replace every negative  statement with something positive and uplifting. I’d encourage you to write at least an affirmation a day and write it 10 tens. 



Here are some affirmations I say to myself as a singer:

Start each affirmation with the phrase:  I’m so happy and grateful now that…..

  1. My voice is relaxed, in shape, resilient and balanced
  2. My voice is expressive and emotive
  3. My voice expressed me from my authentic self
  4. My throat and voice are open, toned and balanced
  5. My voice truly expresses who I am.
  6. My voice expressed everything in my soul
  7. My high notes are effortless, free and ringing
  8. My low ares are effortless, free and resonant
  9. I use my airflow/breath with ease and balance through all my range
  10. My voice comes through with ease, resilience, and balance. 

Start writing your own affirmations and read them aloud daily. You may even write an affirmation a day as I mentioned above. You’ll be amazed at the results the more you make this a practice. 

Keep making great music and don’t let a negative thought stop you from moving ahead and shining bright.