Briana Lyn Studios

Staying on track

“When you have nothing to aim at, you have no reason to organize and master yourself. No goals, no growth, no clarity, no change. Let ambition swell in your heart once more. Set your own course. Get to work. Go!” ~Brendon Burchard

School is back in session, which means most young people are getting back into their routines. Routines and schedules are very helpful for people as it enables them to get more done, feel more productive, and still have down time to rest. When we schedule things into our calendar, it leads to greater productivity and less stress in life. I always tell the students that study with me that it is important they schedule in their practice time each day. Much like school where you have periods for specific subjects, you can apply that principle to music practice & even creative times such as songwriting. This will cause tremendous growth in your life as a musician, singer, and as a person. 

  • I use a few different apps and resources to stay organized and productive. My personal favorite app for organizing and planning out projects is called Asana. It keeps track of my to-do list, calendar, timelines and even allows me to share them with others. As I’ve gotten older, it’s easier to forget things if they aren’t written down. This app is a MUST for anyone!


  • I also use a HPA (High Performance Academy) planner which helps me focus on 3 main projects and keeps me focused on who I need to reach out to in the next day or two, and who I’m waiting to hear from.


  • I also use a scheduling software for my music studio called My Music Staff which syncs to my iphone. It’s a great software for music studios, especially with those that have multiple teachers.


How do you stay organized and productive on a day to day basis? I’d love to hear!