Briana Lyn Studios

Keys to Mastering Songs for Singers

Work  smarter not harder It’s the saying that my 5th grade teacher used as our class motto and to this day, I still remember it. When I work with young artists, specifically singers, I find that they struggle learning songs thoroughly and sometimes never really feel like they’ve mastered the song, because they are always […]

Difficulty Breeds Opportunity

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” Albert Einstein We are in an unprecedented time in all of history. It’s been a year of a lot of change, unknowns and challenges for each and every person globally in varying capacities. Yet, I find myself saying, “I can either grow, evolve and stay hopeful, or I […]

Preparation 101

In my  last post, I shared the importance of preparation. Since Covid-19 hit, in many ways it hit our worldviews and maybe even our career path we were on, especially for singers & musicians performing live. It’s forced us to slow down, re-evaluate and make some changes. We are in a time of rebuilding during […]

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