Briana Lyn Studios

Vocal Cord TLC

Are you a singer, actor, teacher? Does your job require a lot of talking? You will want to read on if you use your voice a lot.  The vocal folds need to be coated with a thin layer of mucus in order to vibrate effectively. Drinking water is the best way to achieve this.  When […]

Vocal Range

Your vocal range is the span of notes your vocal cords are capable of producing. Some people don’t know HOW to produce their high notes well, even though their vocal cords are capable of it. The average range of a singer Is 3 to 3.5 octaves even though I’ve have seen ranges as small as […]

Step Up Where You’re At

“You have plenty of courage, I am sure,” answered Oz. “All you need is confidence in yourself. There is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces danger. The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid, and that kind of courage you have in plenty.”― L. Frank Baum, The Wizard of Oz […]

2020….a year to Re-Think

YOU MUST LEARN A NEW WAY TO THINK BEFORE YOU CAN MASTER A NEW WAY TO BE. ~MARIANNE WILLIAMSON The year 2020 has been a year of great change for every person on some level. As a voice coach and keyboard instructor to many creators in LA and across the world, I am seeing how […]

Staying on track

“When you have nothing to aim at, you have no reason to organize and master yourself. No goals, no growth, no clarity, no change. Let ambition swell in your heart once more. Set your own course. Get to work. Go!” ~Brendon Burchard School is back in session, which means most young people are getting back […]

Keys to Mastering Songs for Singers

Work  smarter not harder It’s the saying that my 5th grade teacher used as our class motto and to this day, I still remember it. When I work with young artists, specifically singers, I find that they struggle learning songs thoroughly and sometimes never really feel like they’ve mastered the song, because they are always […]

Artists at work

Anything we aspire to do as an expression of our artisan soul requires inspiration and strength.~Erwin McManus Far too often in life, we as creative people, look more at being inspired than being strong. Certainly all artists (musicians, singers, painters etc.)  need inspiration to create works of art. However, inspiration plays only a small role […]


I often feel that life before we were put under house arrest with Covid-19 was a different life. When I think back on those times pre-Covid, one of the sentiments I would tell myself was, “There’s just not enough time in the day to accomplish what I want to accomplish”. Fast forward to the past […]

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